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(e.g football beer mat)
Listed below are the verified claims for the record listed.

Longest Kart Race - Current world record
1. From 21-25 June 2011, world's longest kart race took place at the course "Altes Lager" in Niedergörsdorf, Jüterbog, Germany. The race lasted for 99 hours; but at the finish line, the winning XXL Location Racing team (Germany) was only 21 seconds ahead of Turmöl Racing Austria (Austria).
The other teams that covered the whole distance were:
XXL Location Vodafone, WLEN Next Generation, Bernard Racing, WLEN Audi, Bosch 1, Karting Berlin Breig and Friends, Bosch International, Toni Shirts Team, Airbus 1, GPRO Racing Team, RSD Wetzlich, Xaver Racing Team Austria, Airbus 2, Fahr-Werk, MKM-Racing, Kart Excellence, WLEN classic and BO Racing Team

Previous verified claims
1. From 11-14 June 2009, world's longest kart race took place at the course "Altes Lager" in Niedergörsdorf, Jüterbog, Germany. The race lasted for 77 hours; all 562 drivers together covered a distance of more than 5 times around the earth. VIDEO
These 43 teams (out of 44) covered the whole distance:
MSC Oberflockenbach, H+R HBDL, Kart-Art, De B's NRW, KSF-Bosch Racing, ATW Racing, Die Kart-Schule, IBW Racing, Sax Racing, Daytona, Live Strip Racing, MJ-Racing, G. Klampfer, Netzkern, Wilson Bier, HVH Racing, MSC-Speed, Honda Warblow, Raiders, Team Airbus, KCL-77, XXL-Location, Projekt Zwo, WRT, Maintaler, Breig & Friends Top 5, WLEN, Drechsel Racing, Die Drifters, Hamburger Jungz, Toyota Köln, OWL-Racing, Primavera, BKS-Racing, Dörr Motorsport, Hot Wheels, RaXING Opis, Baron Racing, Hydro Hamburg, Road Runner, Märkische Bank, RSD Wetzlich, Power Hall.
Now the organizers even plan to held a 99 hrs race in 2011!

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